Ntimed Project
NEW! Now you can report bugs and request enhancements and new features using the Network Time Foundation Jira. Anyone can browse the ntimed issue database without creating an account. Users who wish to open tickets can create a free account and log in to do so.
In the future, your NTF Jira account will also give you access to bug/issue reporting for other projects hosted by NTF.
Ntimed is a tightly-focused NTP implementation designed for high security and high performance. The NTP Project’s software is most likely the
longest-running software project on the Internet. It was designed as a Reference Implementation, so it does as much as it can to make sure that the
complete NTP Protocol specification can be demonstrably proven to be portable and robust. This is a good and necessary thing. And while the codebase
has been wildly successful and has had an enviable security record, it is very big and has had some rare problems (which have been made worse by the
fact that its codebase is so very widely used) and there are an increasing number of cases where a highly-focused tool is preferred. Enter the Ntimed
The Ntimed Project is the result of decades of Poul-Henning Kamp’s experience as an NTP Project Developer, a “time nut”, and his vast experience with
computer network timekeeping.
The Ntimed Project is comprised of three packages:
is run on “leaf nodes”. Its job is to talk to upstream NTP servers and adjust the local clock. The preview release of
happened in December of 2014, and the first release of the code happened in April of 2015.
is run in the “middle layers”. Its job is to query upstream servers, adjust the local clock, and to provide time to downstream
clients. This project was 30% complete as of April 2015. The preview release for ntimed-slave
is currently unscheduled, awaiting funding.
runs at the top layer. Its job is to talk to reference clocks and to provide time to clients and slaves. The preview release of
is currently unscheduled, awaiting funding.
At some point in the future the ability to use PTP will likely enter the picture.