
GPS Week Rollover Coming - Timing/IOT Users Have Responsibilities Too!

February 12, 2019: Important event coming up in April to be aware of. READ MORE...

NTP Best Practices

February 5, 2019: Informative article worth revisiting covering Network Time Protocol best practices. Scroll down for details on using Public NTP for external hosts and configuring your own Internal NTP hierarchical service for your network....

2018 - A Year Of Growth & Development

January 28, 2019: 2018 was a year of growth and development at the Network Time Foundation. A tremendous amount of work was accomplished and, importantly, the foundations of what will be an incredible 2019 have been put down....

Running Own NTP Servers

January 21, 2019: From an informative article on the importance to security of running NTP servers: “If you want to operate a secure environment you should use your own on-site stratum 1 NTP servers along with authentication....

Exciting News! Time Server App Is Live!

December 28, 2018: Check out the latest announcement from PublicNTP. The new Time Server App has launched! Get the Time Server App...