Consortia Discount on membership dues in other NTF Consortia | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Use of Network Time Sponsor Logo | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Advanced Security Vulnerability Notifications | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Compliance Logo Program for testing interoperability, performance, and standards compliance | Discount | Discount | Discount | Yes |
Participation in Feature Priority Planning | Yes | Yes | Yes | – |
Priority Consideration in Non-Critical Bug Fixes | Yes | Yes | Yes | – |
Front Page Logo Recognition on NTF Website | Yes | Yes | Yes* | Yes* |
Early Access to Security Patches | Yes | Yes | – | – |
Discounted Custom Development Services | Yes | Yes | – | – |
Discounted Technical Support Contract | Yes | Yes | – | – |
Support for Older Stable Releases (extra cost) | Option | Option | – | – |
Seat on the Product Advisory Board (extra cost) | Option | – | – | – |
Member Contacts receive a site login and email notifications | 8 | 6 | 3 | 2 |